Baytown Sculpture Trail

For 2024-25, 25 new sculptures are installed along Texas Avenue. They will be be on display for visitors to view until March 31, 2025
​More people are visiting the Downtown Arts District; drawn in to see the sculptures, businesses in the area are reporting more foot traffic and a rise in sales. Visitors have been very impressed by the outstanding quality of the sculptures and are thoroughly enjoying them. It is heartwarming to see the response!
The 2024-2025 sculptures were chosen from an international juried art call and the 25 pieces are by artists from Texas, South Dakota, Colorado, Idaho, Arizona, Ohio and British Columbia, Canada. We are honored that they entrusted their beautiful works of art to the ACE District for one year.
The art is a mixture of figurative and abstract, all completed with amazing skill and details. This free art exhibit allows the public to assist artists and Baytonians by voting for the People's Choice. A ‘Best of Show” will be chosen by a panel of artists, teachers, and art curators. The winning artists will receive a monetary award. Artists can also benefit from any sales or leases
of their sculptures. All the sculptures are for sale or lease!
2024 People's Choice - "Tug A War" by Esther Benedict, Pipe Creek, Tx.
2024 Best of Show - Sunrise Serenade by Lee Leuning & Sherri Treeby, Aberdeen, South Dakota.
Past Awards:
2023 People’s Choice – “Spirit Flight” by Esther Benedict, Pipe Creek, Tx. Purchased by the City of Baytown.
Location to be determined.
2023 Best of Show – “Ice Cream Castles in the Sky” by Elizabeth Akamatsu, Nacogdoches, Tx.
2022 People's Choice - "Mom, Can I Keep Him?!" by Susan Geissler, Youngstown, NY. It was
Purchased by the City of Baytown and placed at the Baytown Animal Shelter.
2022 The Best of Show - “Interaction of Thought V" by John Mark Luke, Round Rock, Tx. He received a
$1000 award.
People's Choice and Best of Show winners

Vote For Your Favorite Sculpture
Get your brochure/ballot here and place your ballot in the red mailbox.
1. Visit the Downtown Arts District.
2. Get a brochure from the RED topped box on the light posts at N.Ashbel and W. Texas or N.Gaillard and W.Texas.
3. Stroll down W.Texas Avenue and N.Ashbel to see all 20 sculptures.
4. Choose your 2 favorites and mark them on the ballot inside the brochure.
5. Tear off the ballot and put it in the LOCKED RED MAILBOX.
6. Post a comment on our Facebook page. Post a picture of you with the sculpture if you want.
7. Share your photos with #BaytownSculptureTrail
8. Tell your friends and family about it.
9. Visit the local businesses.

Meet Our Sponsors
Huge appreciation goes to our sponsors who took a chance on our new and ambitious project. None of this would have been possible without them. Thank you so much!!

It has been our pleasure to partner with the City of Baytown, the former Director of Sculpture Walk Sioux Falls, and an advisory team of artists, businesses and volunteers, to bring this to fruition.
In a few short months, we will be sending out a call for artists so that we can bring a fresh new exhibit to Baytown in April of 2025. If you would like to be a part of this program in any way, please contact us.
We hope that you will visit the Sculpture Trail, vote for your favorite and spread the word. We are here to stay!!